Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Since watching Ip Man 1 & 2 (starring Donnie Yuen), my son has been rather obsessed with wushu (& such) for quite awhile now.

He has some wushu-kung fu moves that he exhibits at times.

Why!? Haha ... I don't really know why Ryan does the things he does .... but I try to humour my kid, ya?


Ryan is one of those kids that doesn't fancy ice-cream. Yep, you read that right!

Which is pretty odd coz Hubby & me are ice-cream fiends, we just love it! Whenever the mini "Magnums" are on sale at NTUC, we will try to get at least a box to savour.

On this particular day, Ryan said he wanted to try ice-cream (really?). So that's what we did. Being on a budget, we dropped by (where else) McDonald's. After licking once or twice, my son gave me his "I-dowan-anymore" look.

I should have guessed .....


It looks like insects seem to like our new place!!!

Not a good thing ... when Ryan and me are petrified of them! Luckily this particular one, was already half dead (concussed?) when Hubby found it in our kitchen, one day. It must be really lost ... as we live on the top floor!

Ryan was so amused to see a mantis so up-close, especially after watching Kung Fu Panda 2 on HBO recently.

We quickly put it in a clear container & of course proceeded to photograph it. Later when we left the house soon after, we released the praying mantis below our block (on the grass patch) - it was still alive but very weak. Dunno what happened to it, after that.

That's "Echo-Echo" from the Ben 10 cartoon. You can see the comparison. The praying mantis was quite big!


One of Ryan's classmate's mum asked me where we got his bag from (her son is a Transformers fan too). It was actually purchased in Metrojaya, Kuala Lumpur last year when we took a short trip there (during the school holidays).

Ryan has kinda outgrown the water bottle. Maybe the straw hinders the flow of the water. Maybe he just prefers others. Oh well, he's been outgrowing quite a lot of stuff lately. Maybe its just part and parcel of growing up, I guess. 

By the way, Ryan took these photos (with my I-phone) ...


Recently, I have frequented our public libraries, quite a bit. As we used to live in the North, the Woodlands branch was my usual stop. Now that we have moved, we visit the few regional libraries nearby.

Just wanted to pitch these books here. I guess its easier to retrieve the photos (under the tags-labels) for reference. It's also a reminder to myself that I've borrowed & read them. Trying out the recipes ... well, that's another story all together.

The problem I have is I just love reading cookbooks. Reading them ... not trying them out. Maybe I should change this ....

I mean what's the point of buying cookbooks if you ain't gonna try them out. Duh!!!

This is a very good book. Want to get it but its very expensive!


Ryan likes to wield his (ever-present) peace sign .... like .... always!

His cuz, Ayra does it too. Errm ... so does Hubby!

I don't know who Ryan emulates but it's there all the same. Maybe he'll outgrow it someday ... maybe he won't.

Oh well ... there are other worst things that can happen, ya?

 Peace, everyone!

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Ryan saw this little spider in our room. He wasn't petrified of it but neither was he comfortable having it near his bed. I managed to catch it rather easily.

I took some photos ... but they didn't turn out great. My digicam ain't made for real close-ups.

After some pictures, we released it outside our home.

Bye Spider!

FRI, 7-9-12 : WHERE'S MY UDON?

Ryan never liked noodles much ... in the past but I wanted to change that.

Its ironic that when I was expecting him, I was averse to rice. Can you believe that? Yep! Rice made me cringe ... even the smell! It was tough for us coz as Asians rice is a staple & I just hated it then. So ... I relied a lot on noodles (& meat of course) to survive.

But Ryan .... he loves having rice!

Lately, I have been trying out new (food) stuff on my boy. One of it is the humble Japanese udon. I like it fried or in soups. I decided to try the fried version on my kid.

Simple fried udon ... with fishballs, eggs & spring onions.


Last June holidays, we went to the local Science Centre. As it makes more sense to get the Family package (as it allows 2 Adults & 3 Kids, multiple entries for a year), that's what we did.

Since its now the week long holidays & we had to make use of your yearly pass, I decided to bring my two nephews and my niece along. As one of my nephew has never been there before, it was a real treat for him too.

I'm glad the kids enjoyed themselves.

The four musketeers ... before they made their way in.
Mirror, mirror (playing tricks) on the wall.

Happy & Grumpy joined us that day ... haha! (He wasn't grumpy ... just caught off guard when I took the photo!)

The extinct Dodo Bird.
There were massage chairs ... just pay a dollar for 16 minutes of hard knocks (I was aching the next day!). The picture on the right looks more rude than it is (don't get any funny ideas ok). Just an optical illusion!

Ryan ... showing his Happy Face! & looking much like the Doctor he's supposed to be!

Astro Boys & girl!

WED, 5-9-12 : WHAT A CAT!

Ryan just loves cats. He's been bugging me for a pet (cat) for the longest time. Ain't gonna happen kid!

I had my cat (Baby) for more than 17 long years. He passed on when Ryan was about a year old ... but now I clearly have my hands full with Ryan.

I always joke that Ryan ... is my new pet :)

One of the many cats we see on the way to school. Doesn't it look soooo cute?


Talking about school, here are pictures of Ryan on his first day of school this year. He wasn't in uniform coz we were told to buy them when he started school. That explains the home attire.

  Peace everyone!

Hubby at the bus-stop (we decided early on,  that if we could help it ... we would always send Ryan to his first day of school).


Ryan is studying in one of the govt-led pre-schools in Singapore. Given a choice ... I have no qualms in admitting ... that I would have preferred one of the (better) private pre-schools available. Unfortunately, our finances does not permit us to do so.

His school is affordable & that's what fits us right now.

I had the bright idea that we should get an extra-large (XL) sized uniform for him. It did not seem too big when I first saw it ... really! I also wanted to save money as I assume that Ryan will grow into it quickly. I got 2 sets each of the uniform & sports attire.

Big mistake! It turned out to be huge on him!

Sometimes it doesn't pay to be tooooo smart, ya!?

These uniforms were way too big for my tiny boy!

This is much better ... ya? Yes, I bought new uniforms ... can't you tell?


Here are some photos of Ryan.

Someone mentioned recently ... that Ryan looks better is real-life (not my words!) than in photos (it was meant as a compliment I guess ... haha!).

I kinda agree. I mean I'm not here to boost anyone's ego but Ryan is not very photogenic ... but he definitely looks better in person.

You be the judge!

No, no ... he wasn't picking his nose!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Here's the hotel Ryan & his cuz, Ayra built recently. Haha ... he's got a really good imagination.

Maybe someday, he'll be able to build a real hotel ... who knows.

Ryan & Ayra took pictures of each other. 

My niece, Ayra.

His sometimes ... model-ling pose.