Saturday, September 8, 2012


Ryan is studying in one of the govt-led pre-schools in Singapore. Given a choice ... I have no qualms in admitting ... that I would have preferred one of the (better) private pre-schools available. Unfortunately, our finances does not permit us to do so.

His school is affordable & that's what fits us right now.

I had the bright idea that we should get an extra-large (XL) sized uniform for him. It did not seem too big when I first saw it ... really! I also wanted to save money as I assume that Ryan will grow into it quickly. I got 2 sets each of the uniform & sports attire.

Big mistake! It turned out to be huge on him!

Sometimes it doesn't pay to be tooooo smart, ya!?

These uniforms were way too big for my tiny boy!

This is much better ... ya? Yes, I bought new uniforms ... can't you tell?

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