Monday, January 17, 2011


As its now like the mid of January (duh!), its obvious I've about a month of 365's to catch up with (double duh!!).

I guess writing a post a day would be ridiculous (by now) so what I intend to do is play catch-up on a weekly basis. How its gonna turn out .... is basically a bunch of photos for the month that passed ... yep, so "jaw-dropping & awe inspiring", rite?

Eventhough we were going through a tough time (still are, damn it!), I still kept on taking the photos. Though not as many, but I still tried my best. Though the mood is sombre, I always never ceased the photo-taking mentality (that's me!).

Please bear with me ... as I try to sort things out - photos, our lives & everything else in between!

Come back again ... as always, there's lots more to see & read here! 

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