Saturday, January 22, 2011


When most school closed for the year end holidays, Ryan was still having his morning classes. His last day of school was on the 10th of December ... whereas most kids were already having about 2 to 3 weeks of hols earlier.

Oh well! more school days means ... more learning? I can't (or shouldn't) complain!

 What is it with my kid ... & stickers on the nose?!

 Some of Ryan school friends ... who also had star stickers on their noses.

The kids were asked to come dressed in their own attire, that's why Ryan isn't in his school uniform.

 Have to thank Ryan's teachers for obliging us & taking photos of the kid's last day of school.

The little girl on Ryan's left is his best bud in school, Amelia. They always hang out together. Isn't that sweet!

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