Friday, August 31, 2012

FRI, 31-8-12 : SODA & SUCH ...

During our spendthrift days, a lifetime ago ... I remembered shopping a looottt at Isetan. I stocked up (a long-standing habit, I can't help it!) &  bought more than a few PJs (pyjamas) for my boy to wear. I bought them in ... ahem, several sizes (too big) as they were on sale, costing only S$ 9.90 each (if memory serves me well).

Recently, Ryan had quite a growth spurt. He was wearing an "S" for the longest time and suddenly he didn't fit in them no more. So out came the "M". But whadaya know, even the M is a little snug & short now. It seems like the "L" will be aired very soon.

My boy's growing up ... really really fast!!!

... And if changing PJs is one of the many things we have (to change &) buy .... well, its a good "problem" to have ;)

Ryan took this photo with my I-Phone (its kinda blur)

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