Friday, August 31, 2012


Life has been such a whirlwind these couple of years. Since we decided to sell our house (in January 2011), it seems like all a blur now.

Well, almost two years has since passed and its almost the end of August 2012, wow! ... how time really flies!

My son is turning 6 in a few months time. Six! Can you believe it??!! Its been that bloody long!

He's grown from a tiny 2.1kg newborn to a young child who is about to finish his pre-school education next year! I reliased that since we made the decision to move, I have been rather lax & (severely) under-motivated ... ok, ok I guess the right word is L-A-Z-Y!!!

I have been taking photos (although not as many) & recording some videos but it all pales in comparison with the early years before. I'm rather upset with myself for not being motivated enough! It seems like I totally forgot about documenting our lives, especially my son's early years.

Well, no more!!!

I will not let that happen anymore.
I will be more diligent if I have too.
Lose some sleep if I have too.
Eat less ... if I have too (ok, ok that's totally unrelated!)

But I'll be damned if I let my son's (only) childhood pass us by without much .... ahem, fanfare & celebration! Haha! he's the only kid I have ... so I ain't got any excuses, ya?!

I've already missed soooo much since ... so I will start getting my big a** off thee couch & start documenting & re-telling the many stories that make up our lives. It may be a simple life but its still OUR own unique journey on Earth.

Where life takes us, we will never know .....

But keeping the memories alive ... are equally important & significant.

It is my hope ... that Ryan will read these blog posts in the future & look back with a big, broad smile on his face :)

Etchings in the sky ... of all the days of our lives! (taken by Ryan)

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