Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Hey there!

No, no we are all still alive and well. Lots have happened while I was away from the blogging world. No excuses ... that's life for you.

Updates, updates :

- Ryan is now enrolled in a brand new school. He's in K1 now. What a big boy!

- Hubby is hard at work, clocking long hours. Which of course makes me & Munchkin homebound these days. Sigh ... what can you do.

- I had an operation recently which had me in crutches for a few weeks (which was a real torture!)

- We are settling well in our new place. Nice immediate neighbours (for a change!). Still having an issue with storage (yes, we have too much stuff) but what can you do. We'll live!

Last Sunday we had to go to 2 birthday parties (woo-hoo! busy busy!!!). One for Ryan's ex-schoolmate & one for my Dad.

Here are the younger grandkids ... helping my Dad with the requisite cake blowing.

Because it was also still Hari Raya, we did a two-in-one of visiting my brother's place. We had chicken rice, yummy! And what did we give my Dad for his birthday? A money gift and a big container of cashew nuts. Why cashew nuts? Haha ... they are my dad's favourite & for as long as I can remember (as a teenager) whenever it was my Dad's birthday, I used to save up my daily pocket money to buy him some nuts. How original rite?!

Happy Birthday Ayah!!! Wishing you good health & many good years with the family! We love you!!!

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