Wednesday, March 2, 2011


..... That's what Ryan said when he saw this photo - chocolate mouth. Haha! "so imaginative" & apt! (don't ya think?)

My boy loves his Yan Yan biscuits (with the chocolate sauce) but that's about the only biscuit (other than chocolate Pocky) he will eat.

Eventhough Ryan's much better at eating these days, he's still a (real) fuss pot! There are only a few things he will eat & he's not that adventurous either, when it comes to trying new food (errm, just like his Daddy?).

I wish he will be more open to trying new delicacies in the future ... but for now I am actually thankful that (through no fault of ours ... trust me, it wasn't intentional), my boy does not eat sweets!

Yep, this is one  boy that declines any form of candy ... or lollies ... or jellies ... or ice cream, errm ... basically anything that's (very) sweet. His only sugary "vice" for now (if you can call it one) is having sips of Coca-Cola or Pepsi, whenever one of us is having our soft drinks. Yes, I know we shouldn't be having Coke then ... but the kid doesn't take other sweet stuff, so we kinda give him a break, whenever we can.

That he hates sweets ... I am happy about ... errm, the other fussiness ... I can do without !!!

Is that a rapper stance I see?

A chocolate moustache!

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