Saturday, March 12, 2011

THU, 10-3-11 : MESSY PLAY

Yep ... more messy pics. (Whats with me these days ... & messy pictures? Hah! Dun ask me!?)

Ryan was busy being ... the "Messerator" (yeah, I made that word up!). But not to worry. After each mess, comes the clean up. Or the "Mummy-rator" will enjoy throwing the toys, if they don't get kept.

Yes, I can be so cruel (though I haven't had to throw any toys ... yet!), but this house-rule has kept Ryan in line & to be responsible.

Its a very simple rule - You can play with the toy(s) but it needs to be cleared, after play is done. Simple rule for a four year old to follow.

Infact, we have inducted this rule since he was a very, very young. I tell you it works! But there are days where a bit of reminding & glaring is needed but on the whole, this rule is adhered to strictly & we rarely have children's toys all over the house.

You'll understand when I say ... if I allow Ryan to leave his toys all over, our house will be barely inhabitable.

Wanna see his toys?

It looks more like a toy store, doesn't it??!

While I was going through the boxes, Ryan decides to take a peek.

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