Saturday, March 19, 2011

WED, 16-3-11 : TO IKEA WE WENT

Since we are moving, we've been busy surveying lots of stuff for our new place. I guess the problem is ... we do not know yet where we will be staying nor the layout of the new house but there's no harm in just looking around right? Besides, being on a very tight budget is no joke ... so we have to be ultra careful with how we spend our money.

Ok ... on with the (window)-shopping!

Errm ... any Singaporean, decorating their home will go to IKEA! Yes, its pretty presumptuous of me to say that but I ask you -. How many Singaporean homes have you not seen ANY of IKEA's (stuff) in their place?!

... Yep, I rest my case!

Ryan just loves to stop-over here.

  A budding cook, I see?

Yes .. always remember to wash your hands, little one!
I find this awfully cute! (but a little expensive, no?!)

This single-bed uses the storage below (to maximise limited space in a bedroom).
Something we will have to seriously consider, in our new home.

Woah! Very N-I-C-E ... but equally exorbitant!

Storage for the store room, perhaps?

Even if you don't end up buying anything, IKEA is a great place to get ideas & inspiration on how to decorate your home. I greatly recommend it. The Tampines branch is bigger & has ample free parking (yahoo!). The play area (for the kids) is also a favourite with the small ones. They even have halal-certified food in the other corner of their always crowded restaurant.

Errm ... weekends are soo overly crowded (isn't that the case, everywhere in Singapore?!) so we try to drop by on weekdays, if we can. And of course ... after IKEA, you can always stop over the GIANT (with more free parking) nearby for a spot of grocery shopping.

What a place!

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