Saturday, March 19, 2011


There's a rather (dunno-how)-new play area for the kids at IMM (not the wet play area). They have 2 covered slides & some cute gigantic plant & fruit standees for the kids. I can't recall the name for this place but its on the same level as Hoe Kee (the store that sells toilet fittings).

I think most kids need their parents to go on the slide with them coz its pretty high & winding (ok, maybe I'm a bit kiasu & terribly safety conscious). Better to be safe than sorry, folks! 

Errm... I'm too much of a wuss to go on it! Besides ... who else was gonna take the prize-winning shots ... haha!

 Ryan enjoying a ride (as usual).

 Huge ... isn't it?

Down the green slide they go (this wasn't as scary - its shorter & safer).

 My two boys ... atop the highest point.

 The yellow slide's ... kinda scary!

Oooh Ryan! What a big carrot ... you have?! 

 See you next time, slides!

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