Monday, March 7, 2011


I like to take photos of my son sleeping. Please tell me I'm not the only one .... coz that would make me a ... weirdo?!

Oh well, seeing pictures of my son in sweet slumber reminds me that he does sleep. As my son is an extremely hyper-active boy, its times like these that I long for. Nope, I make no joke about loving it when my boy sleeps coz I really do. I savour that short time ... when I have some semblance of peace & quiet. Not having a 4 year old, bugging you every few minutes is ... just heavenly! Just having my own time to ... just relax & do absolutely nothing!

Aah! any mum will treasure those precious moments.

Hey! I love my kid ... but I need some sanity too. 

Seeing Ryan sleeps, recharges me ... for when he wakes up. 

"I love you darling ... sweet dreams! And remember to wake up .... much, much LATER, ok!"

Photo was taken in our car. Notice the ubiquitous toy in his hands - this time its his Batman & his latest craze, Beyblade (on his right).

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