Wednesday, March 2, 2011


As you might know, we will be moving very soon.

So as you can guess, my house looks like a tornado just paid a kind visit recently. It's in such a mess ... I can't remember a time when it ever looked this way. Eventhough it embarrassed me to no end (coz Hubby & me are extremely house-proud people) when people drop by (new owner & their agent, HDB officer, RC Members), I just give the old excuse - we're moving : )  !!!!

Anyone who's been to our home previously, will tell you that our house is always clean & tidy, with everything in its right place. Eventhough we have a lot of junk, its all neatly packed in the appropriate rooms. Looking at my place now ... my OCD tendencies gets the better of me! I get stressed just looking at the mess but I also know to pack & purge, you need to make quite a mess before you will succeed. Wish me luck, ya?!

Ok, you can laugh now ....

Just a small portion of the many boxes, strewn around our house (thanks to my beloved Dad for helping to collect the boxes on our behalf).

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