Saturday, March 12, 2011


Having a kid that's rather fussy (when it comes to eating) is not the worst thing in the world ... I know. But sometimes I scratch my head ... when I'm stumped & can't think of anything interesting to feed the kid.

Whenever I find something that my boy really likes, I tend to go overboard (errm ... sometimes). Ryan liked eating these when he was a year and a half. So when I chanced upon them recently  (in an organic store) I didn't think twice. Nope, they are not cheap at all! (but less than 8 bucks per box).

I had hoped he'll still like them coz it was one of his favourites, when he was younger.

But as in everything in life ... never assume anything!

Nope! he did not even want to taste them. Not interested at all!

Arrgh! what does a mother do when that happens?

Errm ... to the dumpster, it goes!?

Its actually quite tasty ... but alas!

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