Saturday, March 5, 2011

WED, 2-3-11 : PASS IT ON !

As we are doing much purging ... in anticipation of our move, we have unearthed a whole lot of stuff. For now, we are trying to concentrate more on Ryan's things. Throughout his four years of life, Ryan has been very fortunate because he's been given a lot of hand-me-downs by family & friends. Yep, this boy has a whole room - full of toys and what-nots.

Surprisingly, I have managed to convince him (rather easily) to give away or donate his baby toys. How?? By saying that he's no longer a baby, he's a "kor-kor" (elder brother) now - that he has outgrown his baby toys & it's now time to let go of them. He's been pretty good at letting go of his "treasures", I'm very happy to report but that doesn't mean that he's given up everything! Infact, even after giving away multiple bags of clothes, toys, shoes, books ... Ryan still owns countless stuff!

Funny, how in all these purging times, I realised that Ryan was rather nonchalant about giving up his things. I think its me that's having a hard time letting go of his baby stuff. I guess because he's my one & only child. it breaks my heart to give away the things he used, when he was just a baby. I guess its a passing of a stage that I will never forget. Having an only child, its hard ... you know. There will never be another baby in our home ... so that's been quite tough.

On the other hand, I am very happy to get rid of all the excess & unused stuff in our home, As we have been blessed with gifts of love & toys, we decided to pass it on. I gave away loads of stuff to lots of people & even tried to donate good toys to an orphanage in Singapore.

Duh! It seems like they do NOT accept want toys (just money donations!). Is it my imagination ... or even the less fortunate, are more choosy these days (in their own way?). We may not be very poor but I am more than willing to accept pre-loved toys from people I know. I guess I assumed wrongly that the disadvantaged will accept these "gifts" with open arms ... errm, I was dead wrong!

Oh well ! at least I know I tried ...  (we went to 2 places, that rejected our donations). More toys for the other kids then ...   : )

Here are some pics I took of my boy, before we headed to the local orphanage. Being charitable (in any small way) is a virtue that I wanna inculcate in my son (from a very young age). I hope Ryan will always remember - To help those, who need our help.

"When we have been blessed in the past, we should never forget to bless others, when we are in a better place".

Pass it on!

 This was the second batch of stuff. The 1st batch was uploaded earlier.

The goody-two-shoes?

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